Growing Skills & Nurturing Talent – Workshop 2 of 3
Join the Center for Dynamic Community Governance on Saturday, 9/21 as we develop skills in running meetings, making decisions together, and resolving disagreements.
Training is open to ALL, including local business people and community organizers.
Additionally, we will be offering
○ 1:1 professional, customized analysis of community group and/or business processes and operations, including workflow design and volunteer management.
○ A month of no cost follow-up coaching.
⇒ We extend a special invite to children and teens who want to grow and develop their leadership skills.
We will meet at the Franklin Park/Springhill Lake Recreation Center, Conference Room 9-5pm. Also, simultaneously in the Clubhouse from 1-5pm. Attend for all or any part of the day. No pre-registration required.
For more information, or to schedule your group’s 1:1 customized analysis, contact